St Mary's Catholic Primary School

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Latest news & Tweets


Year 3 had a wonderful learning experience at Burrell House. They enjoyed creating news reports in the TV studio and explored the grounds in an orienteering session.

January 31



Year 2 loved their country dancing session with Year 6 this afternoon! ☺️

January 30



In RE this afternoon Year 2 retold the story of the choice of the twelve. 🙏🏼☺️

January 30



Big and difficult feelings are part of growing up 🤬😓 but they can be easier to handle with guidance and support 👋 Download here >> Listen here >>

January 29



Congratulations to the Year 6 football team who won the county finals on Saturday. Topping the table at the end of the afternoon and sending them into the final against The Grange ending 0-0 after extra time it was followed by penalties!

January 28



Well done to our Chaplaincy Team for presenting an assembly on our Jubilee Year of Hope. You did a great job.

January 28



Thank you for your poignant assembly to parents and KS2 about the Holocaust. 🙏🏻

January 28



Are you Interested in becoming a teacher? Attend a free Get Into Teaching and: -Get your questions answered -Meet course providers in your area -Connect with people considering a career in teaching. Sign up today!:

January 28



Year 5 have been comparing fractions and using visual representations.

January 27



Thank you everyone for your help fundraising during the Harvest Festival Mass for the Kanyike project. We received this thank you letter from them today. Together we raised £356 which will go towards helping those in Uganda.

January 24



With approximately 220 million users under 18, TikTok is a social media titan among children and young people 📱🗿 But just because it's popular, doesn't mean it's free from risks. Download & Listen here >>

January 15



Thank you to Mrs Cooke and for your assembly on your Gospel Value, Love. We enjoyed looking at your work and your baby photos. We will remember The New Commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.”

January 14



Role-playing the presentation of Jesus in the temple

January 10



Sharing our books with Year 2 during paired reading this week 📚

January 10



We made Tudor pomanders as part of our history topic

January 10



A successful separation and evaporation experiment

January 10



In Art this afternoon, Year 2 investigated maps as a stimulus for drawing. 🗺🏙 ✏️🖍

January 10



Year 1 have been learning to identify odd and even numbers this morning using Ten Frames and dice.

January 10



Year enjoyed learning the Virginia Reel in our country dancing lesson.

January 8



Happy New Year and Welcome Back! Mr Pearce led our first assembly of 2025. Staff were given jumbled letters and the children had to rearrange them to make a special message. They were quick to see that it said Jubilee 2025, the Year of Hope. 🌎🙏🏻

January 7